New Year, New You: Nutritional Tips To Help You Conquer The New Year

Now that we are a few weeks into the New Year, you might see that your new year’s resolutions have started to slip. If being healthy is your goal, nutrition and fitness are your friends. Going on a diet isn’t necessarily what you need to do; rather you should learn how to incorporate healthy food, while removing junk in your everyday. It shouldn’t be a set time period, rather a lifestyle change. Here are some healthy tips to keep you on track.

Cut Out Sugary Drinks

Sugar doesn’t have to be your enemy, but consuming too much on a daily basis is going to have a negative impact on your health. Drinking soda and juice is the biggest culprit of this. By consuming these beverages, you are putting empty calories into your diet. They have little to no nutritional value and can actually make you crave more sugar.

Keep Track Of What You Are Consuming

The best way to know where your diet is suffering is to keep a food diary. This can help keep your accountable for the stuff you are putting in your body. Once you have the nutritional value of everything laid out on paper, you can see the areas that need to change.

If you don’t like the old fashion method of paper, there are a number of different apps you can download on your phone to help you keep track of this. These apps will automatically add all your nutrients together and give you an idea of where you are at. You can also set goal for fat intake, calorie intake, etc.

Drink Water

We all need water to live. In fact more than 70% of our body is made of water. Yet most people fail to hydrate properly. Drinking water throughout the day can help keep you hydrated and healthy. Proper hydration can curve hunger, and make you feel better all around. Keeping a refillable water bottle on you all day is the best way to have water on you at all times.

Snack Healthy

It’s three in the afternoon, and you are feeling a little hungry. You try to find something quick to eat to fill the time before dinner. What you grab at this moment is going to have a major impact on your diet. Chips and cookies are an easy snack that you can eat on the go; however they aren’t going to do you any favors. They are going to make you feel sluggish and regretful. Instead try grabbing a quick fruit or vegetable. Fruit can give you that sugar rush without having to feel guilty about eating it.

Changing your bad habits is going to be hard and take time, but if you keep trying it will get easier. Some of these steps are small and take less effort. They just have to become a habit for it to feel natural. Use these tips to make this year the year you actually find the new you, you have been looking for.