4 Mistakes Every New Content Marketer Should Avoid

Content marketing can be a very lucrative career, once you have an established portfolio and client list. It takes time and hard work to build yourself up into a reputable writer that can attract clients. Getting there can be a difficult process and you will learn many lessons over your career. Here are some comment mistakes many new content marketers make.

Falling for these common scams

Scams are rampant these days, and it’s almost impossible to avoid running into a least one while working as a content marketer. A good rule of thumb to follow, if it sounds too good to be true, it’s probably a scam. This can be from a client not paying to stumbling on a website that ends up giving your computer a virus. But the biggest scam I have seen out there is websites promising to give you the answer to becoming rich as a content marketer in a matter of weeks.

A common scam I have run into researching content marketing are people who have you watch a 45 minute video offering you the tips that made them rich as a content marketing. These videos are packed full of basic information a quick google search can provide you, but here’s the catch, if you stay to the end of the video they promise to give you the secret to success. So you stick it out and watch to the end, only to find out you have to pay 3 easy payments of $300 to get answers you are looking for.

The truth is, there is no easy way to becoming a content marketer. It takes time to build a reputation as writer and attract clients to you. Good old fashion hard work is the secret to your success. Sure, you need to be a decent writer and understanding of how to create a piece that will be acceptable, but most of that can be learned overtime. Doing research and taking classes on SEO, content writing, and marketing can help you will all of this.

Inaccurate research

Not everything you read on the internet is true, as a content marketer you want to make sure the information you are providing is 100% accurate. This means you want to use website that are trusted. For that you want to look more towards the .org’s or the .gov’s. If you see that same information on mutable sites, you can start to see that there is a greater chance the information you are finding is true.

Not editing your work

This one speaks for itself. We are all human and make mistakes, but your clients aren’t going to want to keep paying you if you can’t edit your own work before sending it off. I have been guilty of this in the past, especially when I’m rushing to deliver a piece to a client. This is why I have a policy to give myself a whole day with a finished piece before I send it off to a client. Once it’s done, I wait for the next morning to email it. That way I can have one more look at it with fresh eyes, to catch any mistakes that my initial edits have missed.

Forgetting to look into the audience and their needs

Content marketing is intended to bring in leads for our clients business, but the way we do that is by providing their audience with valuable information. This allows our client to build a better relationship with potential and current customers. If we fail to take a look at what the audience wants or needs, we are failing to provide them with the information that they come to find. This can cause our client to not get the sales they are looking for by employing you as a writer.

If you are looking to becoming your own boss, content marketing can open many doors for you. There are going to be many mistakes you make along the way, but failure means you are growing.

Physical Therapy Treatment Solutions for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Treatment Solutions for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that affects the joints. Autoimmune diseases cause the body to attack itself, because it perceives it as a threat. As the joints are damaged, they become inflamed and painful, often too painful to perform daily tasks.

As the immune system attacks the joints, there is a thickening of the space between them, which results in the destruction of cartilage. Over time, the tendons and ligaments in these areas get stretched out and weaker, causing the joint to lose its shape greatly impacting movement.

Discovering the Symptoms

The early signs of this disease usually begin with pain in the small joints, starting in the fingers and toes. As it progresses, it can move to the other joints and, in rare cases, other areas of the body. Some symptoms to look out for include:

  • Swollen, tender joints
  • Joint stiffness that gets worse with inactivity
  • Fatigue
  • Fever

Treating the Symptoms of RA

Aging on its own can be difficult; with rheumatoid arthritis it’s even harder. Having trouble using your hands, or even standing up can make it difficult to live a normal life. Though there is no cure for this disease, symptoms can be treated medically and with physical therapy.

Flexible Joints, Flexible Life

About two thirds of RA patients have significance muscle loss. In fact, it is found that 70% of strength loss is common in most patients. Research has shown that aerobic and resistance training can help improve functions and overall wellbeing of those who suffer with RA.

  • Weight Training– Reversing muscle loss can help improve movement of the joints, and reduce the disability associated with this disorder. A 24-week resistance training program can increase lean body mass, resulting in improvement of strength and function of the joints.
  • Aerobic Exercise– Patients that partake in aerobic exercise can decrease their risk of mortality around 20-30%. It helps to improve joint function, while increasing flexibility.
  • Other Exercise– Pilates and yoga have also been found to be effective. Elderly patients, who practice tai chi, tend to have better movements in the ankle and knees, due to the increase of joint lubrication.

Patients who suffer from RA are encouraged to partake in some form of exercise as part of their care, as inactivity can cause it to worsen. It is important to consult your local Physical Therapist to help you discover the right exercise regimen for you.


Cooney JK, Law RJ, Matschke V, et al. Benefits of exercise in rheumatoid arthritis. J Aging Res. 2011;2011:681640. Published 2011 Feb 13. doi:10.4061/2011/681640

Jagpal A, Navarro-Millán I. Cardiovascular co-morbidity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a narrative review of risk factors, cardiovascular risk assessment and treatment. BMC Rheumatol. 2018;2:10. Published 2018 Apr 11. doi:10.1186/s41927-018-0014-y

Veldhuijzen van Zanten JJ, Rouse PC, Hale ED, et al. Perceived Barriers, Facilitators and Benefits for Regular Physical Activity and Exercise in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Review of the Literature. Sports Med. 2015;45(10):1401–1412. doi:10.1007/s40279-015-0363-2

Using A Local Massachusetts Content Writer To Market Your Business


So you have decided to start your own business. You have you business plan laid out, a website in the works, and friends who are willing to be your first customers. What do you do next? Well, for a business to success you need a marketing plan. While word of mouth can bring in leads, the internet will bring in more. Here a few ways to market your business.

Utilize Social media

Social media is addictive, which means people are on it constantly. Many companies are taking advantage of this to bring in leads. However, you don’t want to spread yourself too thin. Pick a couple of the more popular sites to use that you know you can keep up to date. If you aren’t going to be able to provide fresh content on it, consider hiring someone to help you with this.


Don’t have a big enough audience on your social media yet? Consider paying for ads to bring in customers. Writing effective copy can create a conversation and bring people to you. Ads are a great way to utilize social media to gain a bigger following.


Search Engine optimization should not be underestimated, but also not over used. While you don’t have to litter every piece of writing with SEO, keep it in mind to help with your ranking in Google.

Keep Website Up-to-date

Every once in a while you need revamp your website. Provide new work to your portfolio, write a new about me section, expand if you need to. This is going to show your current customers that you are still growing and they can expect great service, while introducing you to new possible leads.


Blogging is a way to get your name out there, and allows you to connect with your clients. It shows that you are knowledgeable about the key aspects of your business, and provides useful information. The best part is, it sits on your page for years to come and can still generate new organic leads. The best way to utilize a blog is to make sure it is being updated on a regular basis.

Finding it hard to keep up with the writing aspect of business? Want to just focus on running your company? I am currently looking for more clients. For any of your writing needs, email me at christinajrasmuson@gmail.com.

Winter Has Come, But Have Your Leads?

Search Engine Ranking: Why Your Company Should Invest In Content Writers

In the age of the internet, it has never been easier for businesses to get their messages out there. However, it also means the competition is getting fierce. Blogging is a modern marketing technique gold mine. Once posted, this content will stay on your site, collecting you leads for years to come. This is why many website will post multiple blogs per day.

Creating content for your website might seem like a simple step to generate leads, but it isn’t always. That’s why many companies are looking to add a content writer to their team. Content writers create content for you to use on your website, and can also help you create ads. They know techniques to help bring in more organic traffic. Here are some reasons you should invest in a content write.

Search Engine Optimized

Anyone can write a blog post and put it on the internet, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to bring in readers. SEO techniques help you raise your ranking with search engines, making it easier for potential leads to find you. Knowing the right keywords and coming up with catchy titles are must have skills for a content writer to stay in business. Once you hire a content writer, you won’t want to go back to doing it yourself.

Time Is Money

Running your own business takes a lot of time, trying to keep up with the content on your own blog isn’t always a simple as it sounds. Many business owners will create a schedule that will work for a while, but then they start missing days, which eventually leads to the blog just stopping all together.

When working with a writer, you don’t have to worry about that. Fresh content will be delivered to you at a time you decide. The more regular the blogging schedule, the higher your organic traffic will get over time. A good content writer is worth their weight in gold.


Content writers have experience writing for different blogs and are constantly gaining knowledge of works and what doesn’t all the time. This helps to take the trial and error away from you, helping you to get those leads now, rather than later. Not only will the quality of writing be better, but it will be more engaging for your audience.

Tailor Made Content

Know the audience you want to be attracting? A good content writer can take that information and create an article that will deliver exactly what your audience needs to be enticed into clicking your links. This content is created for the use of only your website, making it unique.

Content writing is a skill that I have been honing for 6 years. Your business can’t wait six years to start bringing in leads. If you are in the market to expand your business by adding a content writer to your team, contact me today. You can reach me at ChristinaJRasmuson@gmail.com.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia that can be devastating to not only the patient, but the family that surrounds them. It is a neurodegenerative disease, which destroys brain matter. As it progresses, the patient starts to lost memories and personality traits over time, as the brain is being broken down. Typically, memory loss is the first sign of cognitive decline. According to the CDC website, some signs of Alzheimer’s disease include:

  • Memory loss that causes serious interruption of life, such as getting lost in familiar places or asking the same question more than once.
  • Paying bills becomes difficult.
  • Decreased judgment.
  • Trouble performing regular tasks at work and home.
  • Misplacing things and the inability to retrace steps.
  • Changes in personality or behavior.

Stages of Alzheimer’s

As a progressive disease, those inflicted with Alzheimer’s can live on average four to eight years, but some have been known to live up to 20 years. The Alzheimer’s Association breaks down the progression of this disease into three different stages. These stages help loved one understand what to expect as the disease progresses:

  • Early Stage (Mild)- In the early stages, the person can still function independently, continuing to work, drive, and partake in normal actives with mild issues. They show signs of the disease with memory loss. This can be forgetting words or losing items. This is when family members start to notice a problem and bring their loved ones to a doctor for diagnosis.
  • Middle State (Moderate)- The moderate stage is the longest stage, where the symptoms start to create more issues in everyday life. This is when the person will need a caregiver to step in to help. During this stage they will have trouble performing tasks such as paying bills and driving. They will often times become frustrated and act in ways that are not normal for them. You will find that they might still have ability to recall many significant details about their life in the past.
  • Late Stage (Severe)- In the late stage of the disease, the symptoms reach a pinnacle. The patient can lose the ability to converse, control their movement, and respond to the environment. Doing everyday actives can be near impossible on their own and their personality will be significantly different. At this point, they will need constant care.

Treatment Options

It is important to note that there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease and the damage that it does to the brain is irreversible; however there is treatment that can help slow it down. This is why early detection is important. Managing the disease can help improve quality of life for those living with it, as well as their caregiver.

As someone who has had firsthand experience with a loved one with dementia, I know how painful it can be to watch someone struggle with it. Scientists are still looking for a way to cure this disease and they can use all the help they can get. You can help end this disease by donating to The Alzheimer’s Association.

The Millennial Guide To Relationships

The Millennial Relationship Guide

As a millennial watching our parents relationships, we might not be well equipped to have a healthy lasting one. With divorce rates climbing, and parents fighting on a daily basis, we grew up watching all the mistakes they made. Because of this our generation is trying to break the cycle by marrying later and avoiding having kids too young. Real love has become our goal, but learning to establish that connection isn’t always simple.

Having someone to walk through the journey of life is satisfying. As human beings we crave company and thrive better in groups. In fact, isolation can drive us mad. We crave touch and intimacy from our loved ones. However, relationships are hard and don’t always last. For them to work they take a lot of communication and compromise from both parties. That being said, they are totally worth it.   Here are five things that are must haves in a relationship today.


A relationship can’t be started between two people until they both feel a connection. This doesn’t always happen at first sight, as some modern day love stories will have us believe. They take work and patience. This means you might need to go on a few dates to get to know them, or try becoming friends first. Most people will know if there is a connection pretty early on after having talked for a bit.

Love and Understanding

Once you have an established relationship, learning how to understand what they need and how they love is important. Coming from different backgrounds, we all have different traumas we have suffered and have learned how to love differently. Understand that your partner isn’t going to always act or say things in a way that you like.


This isn’t always that simple. As human beings we get frustrated and lash out on occasion. Living with a partner can make it worse. Maybe you are sick of having to do all the chores, or they don’t put the cereal back in the right cabinet. Fights are inevitable, but remember; you and your partner are a team and shouldn’t be fighting against each other. Learn how to open a line of communication about why you are frustrated and how you two can fix it.


An important step in building the relationship is learning to trust. You shouldn’t be going through their phone, or getting upset when they want to spend time with their friends. While it’s important to let them know your feelings, be aware if those feelings are valid. Unless you have absolute proof that they are cheating, learn that jealousy is more of an issue you need to work on rather than expecting them to only give you attention.  If you are feeling neglected, let them know. No one person loves in the say way. We need to let our partners know what we need from them to feel secure in the relationship.

Compromise, Compromise, Compromise

You are never going to see eye-to-eye on every little aspect of the relationship. This means that both parties need to be willing to compromise to find a middle ground. To do this, communication is vital. Come up with a set of rules, for example, if you can’t decide on a movies, then one person picks the movie one day and the next time the other person gets to choose. Or find a solution that will suit both your desires and needs. If you want to see a movie that your partner will absolutely hate, then go see it with your friends. You may not always get your way, but there is a give and take that comes with being in a relationship.

Relationships are about finding someone who can see deeper into you than you see in yourself. They don’t just see what you are now; they see you for all your potential. To have a healthy relationship as a millennial, we must all learn how to compromise and take time to establish a healthy relationship. Seeing your partner’s perspective, as well as your own will help you see that it’s not about being right or wrong, it’s about coming together to solve issues. At the end of the day you decide if the relationship is something you can see lasting for the proverbial forever.

Five Reasons Why Virtual Offices are Becoming More Popular

Advances in technology have continued to make our lives easier. You can do almost anything using a computer in today’s world. All you need is an internet connection.  You can even trade in your physical office for a virtual office. Here are some benefits of ditching that physical office for a virtual one.

Setting your own hours

A recent sleep study finds that we wake up way earlier than our natural circadian rhythms would like. Working in a traditional physical office, you will often find yourself having to make it to work by 8 am, sometimes earlier. With this, you are expected to get your workload done within this time restrain, before the office closes for the night. With a virtual office you get to set your own hours. Not having to worry about when the office is closing at the end of the night. This allows you to do work on your timeline, and can help increase productivity levels; all you have to do is meet your deadlines.

Ditching the weekly commute

Many people will waste hours every week just by commuting to and from a physical office. Hours spend in a car doing nothing productive can kill your productivity and also cause pain in your lower back. This gives you less free time to do the things you like. All work and no play can be a very stressful thing and stress can be very bad for your health. With a virtual office you can get your work done after a full night of sleep.

Ability to communicate from miles away

With a virtual office, your client base isn’t limited to the people within driving range. You have access to people that live miles away, connect by an internet connection. Not only this, but you have access to employees from all over the world, with all sorts of skills.

Less money spend on technology

With your employee’s connecting with you over the internet, you don’t have to spend money on their technology. This also gives them a choice as to what devices they are using to work on. Employees will be responsible for keeping their devices up to date and ensure that they are in working order.


The biggest ups side to having a virtual office is the flexibility it provides the employees. You gain the flexibility of time, space, and access to all the information at the touch of a button. You no longer need to wait for the office to be open. Employees can work from anywhere that has internet connect. This gives employee’s the opportunity to schedule their own down time and spend it how they like. You also have the option of a physical office with your virtual office. One that is open at all hours, with conference rooms you can use to schedule in person meetings.


While virtual offices shouldn’t replace in person interactions completely, it is a great way to enhance your business. With all the advancements of the twenty-first century, it would be foolish to not use it to your benefit.

Five Reason’s Your Social Media Isn’t Generating Leads

Business owners today know that social media is a big part of growing your business. Having an online presence can help bring in a lot of leads, but it isn’t always a simple thing to accomplish. You might find that yourself engaging in all levels of social media, without much success. While it does take time to build and online presence, sometimes you just aren’t doing it right. Here are some reasons your social media isn’t generating leads.

You don’t post interesting content

To keep people interested, you have to provide them with content that will keep them coming back. You don’t want to just stick to self-promotion. Otherwise, people aren’t going to see a need to continue follow your social media. Providing fresh content on a weekly basis can really help drive traffic to your sites.

Your social media isn’t promoted on your site

Having social media isn’t always enough; you need to promote these sites. Provide links to them on your website; don’t expect your customer base to go out of their way to search for these themselves.

You don’t understand how to use them right

Every social media site has its own way of attracting followers. You need to understand the way you use Twitter, isn’t going to be the same way you would use Facebook. Learning how to make each type of social media work for you, you need to know why your followers use that site first.

You’ve spread yourself too thin

More isn’t always better. Being on multiple social media sites isn’t away going to attract more customers and might make it difficult for you to keep up with all of them. Narrow down the sites that are more beneficial to your type of business and focus on those. Don’t spread yourself too thin, where you aren’t providing enough engaging content on each site. Instead make sure to add fresh content on the sites you do use, as often as you can.

Lack of conversation

Having social media isn’t just for self-promotion, have some fun with it. Keep up a two way conversation with your followers to keep them interesting and coming back. Followers like to be heard, and replying to a Facebook post or a tweet can accomplish this. Taking a few minutes every day to respond to a few comments can really help you build long term relationships with your customers.

Social media isn’t just for family and friends anymore. Companies are using these platforms to connect with their current customers and bring in more. Building relationships with your customers can help keep them coming back. Fresh content that provides useful information is important to keep them coming back.

Fresh content can help increase the flow of organic traffic to your site. Boosting the number of visitors can be as easy as posting articles with SEO content on a weekly basis.  Looking to grow your business with fresh, SEO web articles? Contact me today for more information.

New Year’s Resolution: Three Tips For Organizing Your Garage

If you are like many other garage owners, your space is so cluttered there is no way you could think about parking your car in there. The thought of cleaning a space, such as this, can be a daunting one. This is why, when faced with a task like this, it is best to go at it with a plan. Here are some tips for organizing your garage.

Create a plan

The first thing you want to do is actually get into it. As Newton’s laws of physics state, an object in motion tends to stay in motion. Once you start the motivation to finish will help out. Start by coming up with a plan of action. Break it down into little task, maybe start with a corner and work your way outward. By breaking it into little task, organizing your garage seems more manageable.

Make piles

Start sorting your items into different piles. One for things you will keep, another for things that can be sold or donated, and a third for stuff you can just toss out. This will let you know what needs to go back into the garage and what doesn’t need to be there anymore.

Look into self-storage

Once the piles are sorted, and you find that you still don’t have enough space to park your car in its home, you might want to start looking into self-storage. Self-storage can help you keep things important to you, without the cluttering up your home or garage.

The Importance Of Intentional Listening

It’s not hard for anyone to understand the desire to want to not only be heard, but understood as well. In a society where multitasking is at an all-time high, sometimes focusing on listening can take a back seat. In fact today is seems like most people are more intent on responding, than listening. Whether you are a salesperson trying to get a big client, or a manager listening to the needs of an employee, intentional listening is an essential key to success. Here are is why intentional listening is important.

Listen To Understand

Most people listen with the intent of responding. Intentional listening is when you listen to understand. This type of listening can be vital in all aspects of life, business being a big one. There are a number of ways intentional listening can make a business run more efficiently, therefore increasing revenue. For example, when you utilize intentional listening when speaking to a potential client, you get a better understanding of their wants and needs, which can make it easier to explain why your product would be best for them. When your customers feel that you understand them and their needs, they are more likely to stick around.

Creates A Longer Relationship With Clients

Building and maintaining a reputation with your clients through listening, is beneficial to you in the long run. Not only do you keep a long term client, but it opens you to more business through referrals. A single client can make or break your reputation. Intentional listening can help you reduce the possibility of conflict and treat the clients how they expect to be treated.

Show You Care

Another importance of intentional listening in business is when it comes to your employees. Happy employees, make for more effective employees. Keep them happy and your business will run smoother. When you listen to what they have to say, you not only show them you care about their needs and desires, you can better understand what they want to gain from working there. With your help, you can help them develop a plan to succeed that helps both them and the business in the long run.

Build Trust

A vital component for intentional listening is developing trust. This trust is what keeps your clients and employees happy. When they trust that you have their best interests in mind they are more likely to stick around. Building trust among your employees will help motivate them to do the best work possible.

Multitasking, while is seems like an effective way to get more things down at once, often leads to you taking longer to get things done. The human brain cannot actively do multiple things at once without sacrificing efficiency. If you are listening to someone speak, while also checking your emails on your phone, not only are you being disrespectful to the person you are supposed to be listening to, you are not intentionally listening to what they have to say. When you aren’t listening to them, you miss the actual message they are giving you. You can’t be an effective leader if you don’t listen to what your clients or employees are saying. If you wish to have a constructive conversation, consider leaving the multitasking for another time.

Next time you have a conversation with an employee or client; try listening to them in order to understand what it is they want. When you utilize intentional listening, you are more capable of making them happy and moving towards a more mutually beneficial arrangement. Listening should never just be about waiting for a chance to respond. Actively listening to understand helps build positive conversations and relationships between employees and clients.